Originally Posted by
not to get off topic...but would this work for a QT that can be set up and taken down (not permanent)?:
you have an extra sponge filter in your sump or somewhere to allow the bacteria to colonize it...then you just fill the QT with DT water and add the sponge. this way the bacteria are already established and you can just add some PVC and the fish that will be QT. would'nt that be as simple as it gets for someone who wants a quick QT? i might do this...if its ok...
i would still do normal WCs, have a heater, and a HOB filter for the sponge to run in.
This is the "way to do it" I was commenting about in my earlier post. The method works like a champ. I use ceramic rings myself, but sponges work too. You can then boil them and return them to the sump of your DT when done - unless you've used meds, in which case it's probably safest to throw them out and start with fresh media.
As for the size of your QT... it's a balancing act. The larger the QT, the more stable it will be and the less impact any fluctuating levels as a result of it being a "new" system will have. However, the larger the QT, the more expensive medications cost to treat the tank.
Personally, I have a 10g and a 20g that I have around for the purpose. 10g is what I use for most purposes, but I set up a 20g if I am doing something large like a tang. What's nice is that most "pill" meds are in 10g increments, which works well for both 10 and 20g tanks.