QT set-up question


I am setting up a 10g QT tank. I am in the process of painting the bottom and back black. I will use a cup or so of sand and some H2O from my 26g reef for starters and a few small chunks of LR (will be taken out before fish) My question is I will be using a Penguin Mini bio-wheel power filter and a Aquaclear 201 PH will this be enough or too much with the PH?


Staff member
Sounds like a good plan to me! :D
If those filters have any filter media, settle them into your main display for about a wk to seed them for the uncycled qt.


New Member
I have a QT question as well. I have a few fish with ich & you have suggested setting up QT tank to treat them properly. However, doesn't the QT tank have to cycle before placing fish in it? I have read you comments in the FAQ about the QT tank. The few fish with ich have already been through two treatments in the display tank with very little change in the ich situation. I am concerned that they might perish if the ich is not cleared up soon. How do I set up the QT tank as quickly as possible? Do I use all water from the main tank? Do I need to add some LS or LR to get it ready quicker. I guess I am in an emergency siuation.
Also, can you QT more than one fish at a time. I plan on having a 10-20 gal QT tank. Should I use copper or should I go the Hypo route? Any help will be appreciated.