QT Tank smell


Hi Guys
I have a 20g QT using a sponge filter. The filter hangs out side the tank. Its been setup for about 2 months now. I removed the carbon the day I got the tank, as I was told, that it would remove any medication I may use.
Here is the question!!!
The QT is starting to smell – it’s an earthy smell, and it seems to be from the sponge filter. I have not cleaned it since i set it up.
The question is can I just replace the sponge filter, or just rinse it. If I do that, would that get rid of my biological filter, bearing in mind, that I have 2 rocks in the tank, some gravel.
I also have a Pocupine puffer fish in there, that in Hypo Mode at the moment, along with some tri-sulfa.
What would happen if I just replaced the filter or at least clean it with fresh water. Would I end up cycling the tank again, with the puffer in there?
Any comment would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
What are your water readings, including nitrates? I would clean that sponge 1x a week at this point. Better to use that pad as a mechanical filter rather than a biological filter.
And why are you using the antibiotic? Do you really need it? Did you get any additional info about the mouth situation with the pufferfish? Unless your fish has a bacterial problem, you should discontinue the antibiotics and reinstate the carbon filtration.


Hi Beth
I took out the carbon when I got the tank, as I was going to use copper, and then kick ick. I don't know if you remember, but I had difficulty getting the copper to the correct level - it was somehow been neuralized. I then was convinced in doing Hypo by you and Terry B. That going well.
The mouth of the puffer seems to be a little better, still bad though. If looks cleaner. I don't think its his teeth though, as he has been fine for 2 month with the same kind of food.
I have been feeding him frozen kril and scrimp. They are quite hard, so they must have the shell still on. Next time I go to the store, I will get some fresh, like you suggested.
I will add the carbon back into the tank.
The reason why I'm using the med, was that I thought it might be cotton mouth.
I think also there may have been a bacteria problem in the QT, due to me now changing the filter and not using carbon - could I be right in saying that??


Forgot. My nitrites are .5, so I have been doing a 25% water change. I have reduced down the amount of food I'm feeding him.


Staff member
Yes, Ed is right. You must address that nitrite; hopefully, starting up the carbon filtration will help with that. This could well be the problem with your pufferfish. Do you have a small protein skimmer you can throw on that tank? When you feed the fish, you need go back after they finish eating and vacuum up uneaten food/leftovers and any other debris. This is a good practice in a QT, to do 1x-day, especially if your hospital/qt was not cycled before you started using it.
Without a picture of the puffer's mouth it is hard to diagnose. An infection would be grayish and likely have mucous or slim. Probably the fish would not be in very good condition by now, and certainly not still eating. Have you checked over in the Aggressive Forum to see what they say about pufferfish and their teeth?
Offer the fish food that is garlic soaked, and if you can get Zoecon supplements, also use it [alternatively] with the garlic on the food. See if you can find any hard shelled seafoods at the grocery store and just throw it in the tank. If the puff ate snails, then he will hopefully take to some shelled seafood.
Of course, any leftovers will need to be removed. Keep us posted!


Hi Beth, Anthem
I had the puffer fish in the QT tank, 4 weeks ago, just performing Hypo. I was told, that it would be better to Hypo my whole Main tank, as the puffer got ick in there.
I left the puffer in the QT until I got the main tank down to 1.009 and also got a refractometer. I then moved the puffer to the Main tank. He was in the main tank for 1 week when I noticed the problem with the puffers mouth, and a small round califlower attachment on one of his pocupine spines.
I'm thinking the califlower is lympho.
I subsequently moved the puffer back to the QT and peformed the tri-sulfa, as that looked bad.
No other fish in the main tank have any problems - they look great.
I'm thinking that maybe I got the bacteria problem from the QT initally, before moving it to the Main tank, and that it just progressed there.
What are your thought on this.