QT tank with ammonia

Does anyone know how come my QT tank has ammonia when the only thing in it is water. Never been anythhing in it just filled it with water from my main tank about a week ago, and I am going to get two clowns and put in there before adding them to the main tank, but the ammonia has got me scared. Any suggestions.


Active Member
I'll try this again.
This is a guess at this point as well.
Proteins are in the foods we feed our fish.
Fish eat the food, process the foods, proteins digested and broken down into their respective amino acids.
These amino acids are then further broken down into ammonia and excreted into the water as fish waste.
I don't know if organic compounds that are in our tankwater and/or proteins can be broken down any other way.
If they can - then it may be possible that some of these compounds have broken down in the QT water - and there are no bacteria yet to process this ammmonia to the other nitrogen compounds.
This is a stretch, and by no means the answer.
Just think'n out loud.


i'd change out at least half of that qt water with fresh, making sure to match the qt conditions with the main tank water. maybe run carbon for a couple days in the qt if you are using a hang on filter. you could also maybe use some ammolock. just make sure you remove the carbon before you add treatments bc it will strip the meds out the water. keep the tank bare. keep plenty of circulation in the qt. other than that i am out of answers. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
this may seem retarded but did you clean the qt tank with windex? just a thought..
Thank you for the help I think I will do a complete water change with water from my main tank. I just have a cheap hang on whisper filter is that enough fittration?


the whisper should be fine. the only thing i don't like about them is they don't really move a whole lot of water. if you have access to an air pump and an air stone, use that along with the filter for a little better aeration. if you have carbon in the filter, then maybe use it for a couple days with the carbon to clean the new water, then remove the carbon, add the meds, then add the sick fish. i think you will be okay from that point. (as long as you still don't have the ammonia prob). good luck.