QT timing? How long??


Active Member
I did a search and couldn't find anything.....
How long is an acceptable time to leave a fish in QT? I plan on picking one up this weekend and was wondering how long I should leave him in there. I have a piece of 8" pvc in there for him to hide in, but it is only a 10 gallon tank.
How long does it take for the fish to rid the disease or parasites before I can safely place him in the display tank???
btw, salinity is 1.025, trite 0, trate 10, PH 8.3, ammonia 0, and temp 80 in the QT tank


Active Member
A new fish should be QTed without treatment for 3 to 4 weeks. If a problem comes up dureing that time then start whatever treatment is needed.


Sounds good by that time you will be able to see hoe the fish is doing. If it is eating or has any spots or anything you will be able to see that in that time. :happyfish


The time sounds right but in my opinion you might think about bringing the specific gravity down a little if you are only putting fish in there.


Active Member
As close to the LFS water so it will make it less stressfull dureing acclimation to QT. As the time in QT goes by, slowly adjust salinity and other levels of QT to match Main tank so the acclimation to main tank is less stressfull....


Active Member
IMO, it depends on your purpose.
If you QT just to get the fish eating, and make sure it is not immediately picked on and disease free, then I would agree like 3-4 weeks.
If you intend to "eliminate" the ick parasite from your system, then IMO it should be for a full course of, and using, hyposalinity.
Simply because a fish does not "come down" with a disease in QT does not mean that it isn't present. So it depends what you are planning, IMO.


Active Member
I am planning on making sure the fish does not have any sort of disease that could be entered into the tank from this fish. My tank is doing perfect as it is, I do not want to add any headaches I could have avoided.


Active Member
you can close this thread.....
I found the write up by BETH and all my questions should be answered in that....