QT Update


Active Member
I also did some research and found that if I have poor water circulation I may be lowering the pH as well. I only have a K1 in the tank so I know it's probably not doing too much for it. I'll add one more powerhead and see how that works.

mr. limpid

Active Member
yes they make PH buffers many types out there, most of the time while lowering your salinity your PH goes down. Just get a buffer and follow the instruction you'll be fine. As for the effect its been awhile but here goes in a word it makes the water "sweeter", remember the ocean is a constant environment fish are not use to rapid changes. any quick change to there environment cause stress and stress kills.


Active Member
Ok, so I checked everythingo ut and everything seems fine. Also, my Yellow Tang has been getting much more color as the days have been going on. The "Brown Dots" that I had thought were on the tang seem to just be a shade on the tang. It doesn't seem to be much of a problem anymore. It's also possible that lowering the salinity may have started to kill whatever it was off. Anyway, everything seems to be doing well at the moment and I will be keeping everything where it is right now and will shortly move everything from my DT into my QT/Hospital tank. Then empty out that main tank and start all over! Hooray!