

I have read about this but just want to make sure I have this right.Ok,I have a 10gl qt tank with a power head,heater.Is this all I need or do I need one of this waterfall filter's that go on the back{like freshwater}?
Another question....I will be putting a small lawnmower blenny in there.Do I just feed him algea sheet's until I get him in my display?Sorry bout these silly question but I am still new.


Staff member
Betty, don't get a lawn mower. They have extremely poor survival rate in the aquarium, except for those hobbyists that have large tanks with lost of natural food source.
Have you looked at the QT info in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum??


Active Member
I agree with Beth. Lawn mower blennies need huge aquariums with tons of live rock.
For a 10 gallon quaratine tank, you need a filter and heater. The powerhead is not needed as much since it is a small tank. One hang-on-the-back filter should move the water pretty well if you go with the right size filter.


Thank's Beth and Lion! What would you suggest that we get then :thinking: ?We have a 75gl with about 80lbs or lr.We have a 10gl qt/hospital tank.
1 serpent star
1Maroon clown
?# of crab's
?# of snail's.
It seem's everytime we decide we want something we can't get it.

What is the min that you can have a lawnmower in.We are going to get a 125 but that will be at the first of the yr probaly. :notsure: Thank's again for your help!


O,another thing is we have green long hair algea growing and some more algea also_Other than the lawnmower is there something else to take care of this{fish wise}?That is one reason we wanted a lawnmower so bad.And beside's they are so cute


Go for tons of crabs and tons of astraea snails for the algae in your big tank. You could most certainly have two maroon clowns, they're wonderful to buy as mated pairs.
If you are looking for a peaceful reef or even a FOWLR Chromis are wonderful, and jawfish or gobies to stir the sandbed. In fact you have TONS of choices.
For reference on # of crabs and snails.
In my 24g I have:
15 Baja Hermits
2 Electric Blue Legs
4 Astraea Snails (cleaning the dickens out of my lr)
3 Nassarius Snails (for the sandbed stirring)


Active Member
yeah, there is tons of choices for fish in a 75 gallon. You just have to look around and choose wisely. There are tons of neat, colorful fish out there that would do extremely well in your set-up.
For the hair algae, I would recommend some mexican turbo snails or a tiger cowry. Both do very well on hair algae. Astrea snails are also excellent algae eaters, but they are not big on hair algae.