quality of live rock


New Member
3 weeks ago i purchased some lr from a fairly reputable lfs. It had some different colored algae on it, and im sure all the bacteria i need, but thats about it
i keep hearing how live rock should be loaded with all kinds of critters (not just bacteria) and stuff
did i get jacked, or is this the norm when it comes to lr?
now im thinking about getting my next batch of lr from swf.com....can i expect the same (just algae and bacteria), or does swf.com's lr come loaded? :confused:
Most live rock comes in with some type of critters in it. Just because you can't see anything doesn't mean there not there. Some rock comes with more stuff on it than others. Most of the time what I look for in good rock is seeing how much coraline algae is on the rock. If you want to see if there is any critters in your rock, at night when you turn out your tank light wait a little while and then shine a flashlight in the tank sometimes you will see little critters crawling around in your tank. It's pretty neat. I don't know about the lr from this website, but it would be nice to find out.


Active Member
you may think you do or don't see anything, but it more than likiely is there, after 6 or so months, you'll still find things you did not know was there the other day(maybe), some of it is very tiny and most of it hides in the light, if you want to hunt with a flash light, i reccommend using a red lens cap, they project no beam, and you may find even more stuffs


New Member
so, should i expect the same lr quality from swf.com and my reputable lfs?
if so, id rather support my lfs.


Active Member
i'd say more than likely, YES(not ot knock swf, they are more than likely cheaper anyhow)
although nothing is guarenteed, i would not worry too much about the quality of rock you purchased
ONE THING, that i did not mention last time, is thst it would be virtually impossible for them to remove EVERYTHING, unless it all died, but haveing that good of a coraline i'd find that very hard to believe