Quality of Reef packages here?



I am curious if anyone has ordered reef packages before from SaltWaterFish.com I am always nervous of ording over the internet and I am concerned that the Hermits and Snails will arrive extremly small. If anyone could help that would be great. I have tried to contat SWF but they only respond to e-mails concerning orders.


i haven't ordered from this site, but i know others have, and have been generally pleased. my question is why do you want bigger snails and crabs? the smaller ones are less destructive towards the good things imo, in fact, once my crabs get too big for me, i move them out of my reef and into my invert tank. just my opinion though.... :)


I have just received a clean up crew from saltwaterfish.com. Everything was in perfect condition, except out of the 35 hemits, 4 were dead. I e-mailed them and told them about it, and they sent new ones. I thought for being in a bag overnight, everything was very perky right away.


does anyone know, does SWF accept payment by money order? if so what's the address?


Have ordered several times and was well pleased..had couple of dead shrimp out of a large order and e-mailed them and the replacements showed up without problem. Quality was good. The only problem I have had was talking to a real person. That scared me and kept me from ordering for some time..I finally took a chance and the service and product was what I wanted.

ed r

I have not yet purchased from them, but have heard good feedback. I agree with the earlier comment that small size is preferred for both crabs and snails. Larger crabs are more dangerous and troublesome. Larger snails are not able to get into some areas and also can knock over small rocks and corals. My only concern with most reef packages that I see on the web is that almost all go way too heavy on the crabs. I also feel that they recommend too many creatures for any tank size. Perhaps to quickly clean up existing algae in a tank, that many may be needed. However, as soon as the algae is cleaned up, what are all those snails and crabs going to eat? If you get one third as many and give them a little longer to work, I feel you will be better off.


Active Member
I have ordered several times and never been disappointed. Recently got 3 Anthias and they are doing Great...
As far as inverts, I have recived many packages and only a very few came in DOA. That is kinda to be expected to have one or two dead crabs. I guess they get hungry :)
I will not hesitate to order again.


I ordered a package last Sunday late / Monday AM that arrived on Wednesday. One emerald crab was DOA but the rest of the package was in great shape including the $1.99 Royal Gramma (I think somebody screwed up that price because they are now $9.99!).
I won't hesitate to order from SWF in the future.


I have ordered a cleanup crew which arrived completely intact. All are thriving now, only thing i would have done differently was get less hermit crabs and more snails :D