Quan's Bio 29 off and running!


Just got started on Saturday with my Bio 29g. 35 Pounds of LR and 35-40 lb of LS. I mixed my own salt out of my RO water using Red Sea salt. Replaced stock pump with MJ1200 and added one Koralia 1 and ordered the 2nd today. Added Fuge. with Cheato in chamber #2 (in floating fry hachery), and I have ChemiPure elite and Purigan ruber banded to the bottom of rack in chamber #2 or will have after cycle. In chamber #1 Stealth heater and filter pads from my Rena xp4 stock.lol
In the process of fabricating the ledge that Spanko suggests from Chamber #1 to Chamber #2.
Thanks Spanko and fcatch for helping me get started, and to everyone else that I am taking ideas from on a daily bases!
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Salinity - 1.025
i like your rocks and the aquascape
those crabs are weird, they remind me of jack off of the nightmare before christmas :]


Originally Posted by happityLogan
i like your rocks and the aquascape
those crabs are weird, they remind me of jack off of the nightmare before christmas :]
When I was moving some of the rocks around I thought it was a string so I pulled it out of a rock and well there you go.... Very odd looking. There is also a crab in there that looks like a Emerald Crab, but it is purple not green....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Quandary
Thanks Patrick. Any tips?? Also where are you from in Ky? I am in NKY on the river next to Cincy...
nothing really. it looks like your off to a good start!
im from lexington going to school at eastern in richmond.


Ok, I know right where you are at. I went to UK.
Nice tank by the way. How many weeks from start to your CUC? Then how many more till you got your first Clown??


Originally Posted by Quandary
When I was moving some of the rocks around I thought it was a string so I pulled it out of a rock and well there you go.... Very odd looking. There is also a crab in there that looks like a Emerald Crab, but it is purple not green....
it could be an emerald, just covered in coraline..I had it happened to my baby crab, kinda cool.
Rock looks good, like the center one with the hole. You are welcome for the help, don't hesitate to ask. Let me know when you are ready for corals!! I've been fragging zoas like crazy...


Trust me I will let you know. The cycle part is so hard waiting on any tank!
Most the lr I have has holes. At the LFS that I got most of my rock from has a guy who takes rock and drives it on to rod. Takes out to a reef and drops it off and then comes back and picks up the rock at a whole rod length. Look at most of the lr and you will see all the holes..


Originally Posted by Quandary
Trust me I will let you know. The cycle part is so hard waiting on any tank!
Most the lr I have has holes. At the LFS that I got most of my rock from has a guy who takes rock and drives it on to rod. Takes out to a reef and drops it off and then comes back and picks up the rock at a whole rod length. Look at most of the lr and you will see all the holes..
oh yeah, just noticed that...pretty cool!!


Active Member
sweet rock layout, i love how that rock in the middle is really buried in the sand and the top is barely showing, cool! i dont think i ever seen an arrow crab as a hitchiker before. neat!


Originally Posted by Whisk
sweet rock layout, i love how that rock in the middle is really buried in the sand and the top is barely showing, cool! i dont think i ever seen an arrow crab as a hitchiker before. neat!
Thanks Whisk thought the rock in front could be a nice island. Yes, the Arrow crab I thought was a little odd, but it seems to be doing well.


Active Member
i do love the rock work man, a lot of the LR at the local *****, ill have to get some pics of it friday, looks really healthy, to me at least, and its got a hole int he center of each piece as well :p so when i do mine, i might just buy it from them, ready made caves allr eady to go, right? ol


Active Member
Originally Posted by Quandary
Ok, I know right where you are at. I went to UK.
Nice tank by the way. How many weeks from start to your CUC? Then how many more till you got your first Clown??
it has been set up for about 4 weeks and a couple days now. got most of the clean up crew last weekend and the clown the weekend before i think... lol


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
i do love the rock work man, a lot of the LR at the local *****, ill have to get some pics of it friday, looks really healthy, to me at least, and its got a hole int he center of each piece as well :p so when i do mine, i might just buy it from them, ready made caves allr eady to go, right? ol
Thanks mboswell! I think I keep changing it everyday and still can't get it right.
Are you starting a new tank or just adding your rock to another??
You must have a nice ***** the ones here are very small.
Send some pics when you get them..


Originally Posted by patrick8929
it has been set up for about 4 weeks and a couple days now. got most of the clean up crew last weekend and the clown the weekend before i think... lol
How long before you noticed your cycle start? I have 2 freshwater tanks 75g & 110g and I cycled them quick with smaller fish (never lost a fish for those who thinks this is bad).


When should I start seeing my cycle start? It is going on 2 weeks and nothing has changed.
I have the master salt water test kit and do it every couple of days. Also I have 0 signs of any diatoms on sand or hair algae.
I have about 38-40 lbs of live rock cured and it was loaded. Got some tag alongs. 1 arrow crab, emarld crab, and 1 crab that I don't know what it is. A couple of Astrea snails.
I also used 40 lbs of live sand and ro/di water mixed with Red Sea salt. Built my fuge in the back with cheato and now mangrove tree in the fudge.
I just want to know if this is par for the corse with salt water tanks?


Active Member
What I would do, just to be safe is get a pair of pantyhose. Get a raw shrimp from your grocery store. Put the shrimp in the pantyhose (the pantyhose is to keep the rotting shrimp contained) and check the ammonia every day for 3-4 days. If you don't see an ammonia spike, the tank is cycled and you can do a water change and start adding your clean up crew. HTH