Quan's Bio 29 off and running!


With most Freshwater tanks the cycle starts so fast because their is no benificial bacteria like lr or ls. (maybe cichlid sand but still not that same) You can us filters from other established tanks to help get it kick started, but you still see the cycle start quick.

This seems to be very diferent. The lr, ls start doing their job right away. I just keep testing because I want it to start so it will be over...lol!

I will try the shrimp idea.


Active Member
It is very possible that your tank is already cycled. The shrimp method is just to make sure before you start adding your clean up crew. Being that your arrow crab and emerald are still alive is a good sign.


Originally Posted by subielover
It is very possible that your tank is already cycled. The shrimp method is just to make sure before you start adding your clean up crew. Being that your arrow crab and emerald are still alive is a good sign.
They seem to be doing great. The arrow crab though I would have never bought one is very interesting always moving around picking on the rocks. The other crab looks like a rock crab and bigger than the other 2. I was also wondering on most of the rocks are sea shells that open and close. They are stuck to the rock are these cleaner clams? about 2 per rock and more that do not open or are in half...?


Active Member
Could be a gorilla crab. If you can I would scoop him out. On that note, the arrow crab isn't really a good fit for the tank either. I would think you could trade the arrow crab in for some store credit at your lfs. I have read that they will attack snails, hermits, and sometimes even fish. FWIW


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
do u have a pic of the other crab? he might be a bad one, might be a good one, it all depends LOL
No, but I will get one tonight and post. I am getting ready to leav my office for the day.
Thanks for the help beacuse I would have no idea. I also has something that is inside a rock I tried to get out. The only thing to say that it reminded me of was a insect larva..any idea?


Originally Posted by subielover
Could be a gorilla crab. If you can I would scoop him out. On that note, the arrow crab isn't really a good fit for the tank either. I would think you could trade the arrow crab in for some store credit at your lfs. I have read that they will attack snails, hermits, and sometimes even fish. FWIW
Do you think they would give me store credit even though I did not pay for it? I did not buy any of these inverts. They all came out of the lr....


Active Member
at least your crab comes out to say hi, mine just hides all day. He looks cool but i dont know what type he is and cant say if he's bad or not.
It's possible you may never see a cycle with well cured live rock. I never saw ammonia or nitrites during my cycle. I did see some nitrates though. I agree 100% with Subie to try the raw shrimp in a pantyhose or media filter bag. Thats what he told me to do and it worked great and it confirmed to me my tank was ready when no ammonia showed up after a week. I also started to see diatoms at the end of week 2 and that is a good sign your nearly cycled.
Have you run your lights at all, that could help spark some growth.


the shape of that crab suggest a emerald, he may have algae growth on him changing him from his green color. Mine had coraline growing on him so he was purple...pretty cool!


Originally Posted by Whisk
at least your crab comes out to say hi, mine just hides all day. He looks cool but i dont know what type he is and cant say if he's bad or not.
It's possible you may never see a cycle with well cured live rock. I never saw ammonia or nitrites during my cycle. I did see some nitrates though. I agree 100% with Subie to try the raw shrimp in a pantyhose or media filter bag. Thats what he told me to do and it worked great and it confirmed to me my tank was ready when no ammonia showed up after a week. I also started to see diatoms at the end of week 2 and that is a good sign your nearly cycled.
Have you run your lights at all, that could help spark some growth.
I am going to get the shrimp tonight and bought some media bags this morning. I hope this will confirm that the cycle was light and done.
I have my lights on now about 4 hours a day. (when I get home for work until bed) Think it should be longer??


Originally Posted by fcatch76
the shape of that crab suggest a emerald, he may have algae growth on him changing him from his green color. Mine had coraline growing on him so he was purple...pretty cool!
That emarld crab is still going strong, but this one in the pic above is much bigger and you can see that its shell is very hard. Light tan and its eyes come away from its head quite a bit... Maybe I will post in the other section if mboswell does not know...