quarantine 1st fish?



I posted this in the new hobbiest area, but didn't get much feedback, so any ifrom this group would be appreciated!
When my tank finishes cycling and I'm ready for my first fish (in a FOWLR system), do I have to quarantine the first one since it will be alone in the tank?
My thinking is since it will be alone for the first month anyway, if something arises like ich, I can hyposalinate in my main tank. After that, of course, I'll have to quarantine all others.
I have no inverts yet, so they are not an issue with hypo on the first fish and main tank.
I've been reading up on QT's and have a spare 20 gal which i'm bringing on line for future occupants of my show tank.
Is my logic flawed or would it be ok for the first fish to go straight into the show tank after acclimating?


I am no expert, but from my readings, and what my LFS (who I trust) told me that plan sounds fine.


Active Member
The FIRST fish can go directly into the display. The biggest problem is that if your fish does turn out to be sick, you have to remove him anyway to treat. Medications do not belong in a display tank.
This could also be a good learning experience for you when you go to try to catch a fish in a tank with a lot of live rock in it.
You should plan on setting up a QT.