Quarantine for clean up crew?


Active Member
I'll be ready for a cleanup crew soon and was wondering if I need to quarantine them or not? I think I've read that you dont need to but im not sure, what do you think? Also I know theres a million threads here on what to add for a cleanup crew but what are some reccomendations? I have a 3-5" DSB of 100% arragonite, 130lbs rock - mostly LR mixed with some hawian base rock in a 120gal with sump & 16gal fuge.....
As always thanks!


Active Member
No, inverts do not need to be quarantined, they don't get the same diseases as fish do. I would reccommend getting blue leg hermits or red leg, turbo/astrea snails, brittle star, couple cleaner shirmp and/or few peppermint shrimp. This is pretty much what I have for inverts in may tank.
no quarantine, but you must acclaimate them - inverts are even more sensitive to salinity differences than fish, so do a slow drip acclaimation after the initial 1/2 hour temperature equalization.