quarantine tank set up?


ok i just started saltwater tanks between 2-3 months ago.
i have a 90g tank + over flow box, heater, extra powerhead, day and night timer for lights, 130+lbs of liverock, 140+lbs of sand, 40g fuge but refuge doesn't get filled to 40g ofcorse maybe has 20 gals? , decent skimmer (nothing special by any means).
i am now trying to start a quarantine tank (just in case).
i've searched probably 100+ threads trying to find a guide on how to build a quanatine tank BUT failed...
my question is...
what should the ratio be for me to buy a quarantine tank?

  • would a 30-40g work? smaller? bigger?
and as for build...do i jsut set up like a saltwater tank minus the skimmer?
[list type=decimal]
live rock,
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pretty sure i don't need a sump/refuge right?
any help will be much appreciated. thanks in adavance.
a list of my comunity if needed can be found @


Post #2 and #3
Beth is amazing :)


thanks that's very helpful. hard to believe i missed it. was not looking in the right spot however.


It is a touch hidden, but i knew where it was. Because when i first came here I asked the same question and someone posted exactly what i gave you


yes...just incase i have an outbreak of anything....
i already have an introduction tank but i don't want to use it as a quarantine tank. does that answer what your question was implying if not maybe be more specific?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Ok I will what is your definition of an introduction tank. Just for my own edification should not someone studying for his or her masters in marine biology at 18 know how to set up a QT


1. i did not ask for you attitude being that i gave you NONE.
2. yes i am studying for my masters. but NOT for aquariums.
i'm studying to be able to work in that thing called an OCEAN.
to help conserve and protect animals.
so if you would like to question my aspirations please understand the vast amount of specialties in the field.
3. "at 18" what does my age have to do with that? Nothing. some people like to learn. some people skip grades in high school. some people graduate at 16. some people have a degree by age 19.
4. this is a forum board to ask for help! not criticism. there for there is no need for you to be a smart ass. and if you are not meaning to come off this way...well then maybe you should use some punctuation so that it is possible to try and udnerstand exactly what you mean.
5. an introduction tank is what i use for acclimation. between ordering new fish, and checking out the LFS on the days they get shipments i often buy new fish or cleaner shrimp. and for example if i come home with something new one day i would not want to be drip aclimating it when i notice that my tang has ick or my dimond goby has a bite mark on him because he got to close to my eel. for example number two if when i order something it comes on the day i happen to be using it as quarantine.
last...i have already gotten my answer thinks to tr1ger.

if an admin would like to close this thread. i'd be perfectly pleased with that.


Yeah you will always get someone with a opinion. Welcome to the boards, and make sure ya QT everything

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Please accept my sincerest apology. The world needs marine biologists who want to conserve and protect animals. And as I am always in the prosses of advancing my knowledge in this hobby can you explain the following
“if i come home with something new one day i would not want to be drip aclimating it when i notice that my tang has ick or my dimond goby has a bite mark on him because he got to close to my eel. for example number two if when i order something it comes on the day i happen to be using it as quarantine.”
Also why do you feed your fish damsels ?
In your Profile you list your corals as
“some branchy thing that will probably get eaten”
And lastly in another thread you stated that you have a sand bed of 1/16 inch. I questioned you as to why, your answer
1/16th of sand for no particular reason just something I was told would help my algae root within the rumble rock and what not.
Have you found this to be true ?


Dude(Rfub62) relax! You might want to do some research before you get on here and start attacting people(respect your elders junior). You just might need some info from these same people later. If you have read post in the past you would know this is just how Joe is.


Yes i meant rubble. my spelling is not very good i apologize.
yes i have some type of branchy coral. i'm not big on "reef" it doesn't really keep my interest so i don't know what it is just looks like a small piece of the "branch" liverock. but it's growing.
the 1/16th and inch is by no means precise i just took enough to cover the bottom and the rocks to not all be touching the bottom.
yes it has proven affective in more ways than one.
after some of my red macro algae began to die i put the sand in and maybe 3 weeks later the algae looks as though it's began to get it's color back and some noticeable size to it as well.
but my other geen colored macro algae was never dying just always floating since i added the sand i've seen it attached at the bottom and the other side stretching up to the top. (acting i guess as though it would need more light?) but i leave my 10k 13w pulbs on 24/7 so i think it is just trying to get more nutrients to be honest...
copepods. i added a small bottle to my system, 2/3 in the tank 1/3 in fuge. the copepods in my fuge are probably 2 or 3 times bigger than they were when i put them in there. the size was not noticeable by me until i put the sand in...
either they found some extra nutrients in the sand or it's just lucky and never noticed them being that big before i moved around their habitat.
( i don't know the exact names of my macro algae)
1 is the green stringish type
the red is much smaller and looks as though it is the branch of a large tree with a bunch of more little branches growing on it.
as for feeding my fish damsels...it started out an accident.
i bought 4 different damsels as my first fish to help the biological process. after i put fish in my Angler(long lure/ still VERY juvenile) got a hold of one of the small blue devil damsels. i was excited at the time because i had trouble feeding him kril. he would always put it in his mouth then spit it out. so the fact that he was eating anything i was happy.
i also know that once my eel gets bigger he would more than like eat them anyways. but i just have the damsels there incase my anlger is not taking the krill or squid or mysis when i try to target feeding him. because the live silversides and ghost shrimp were too big as well as him/her not taking it.
my angler when i put any food in front of him he does not want...he takes the side of his body and nudges(sp) it up against my hand or feeder stick.
as for the part about my introduction tank. i have a 30gallon tank that i basically drip acclimate my fish in. but i have actual liverock and about 2lbs of sand in there. and there has been a time when i came home to begin acclimation on my fire clownfish, and i noticed that something (probably my eel) had bitten into my dimondback goby's right fin. so i put him in my intro tank.
i change the water to brand new saltwater mixed up by LFS the week before to me getting a new fish. when i say mixed up i mean they get shipments of water and then ballance it out.
so what i was saying was that if i have to come home to something such as ich after buying a new fish i don't want to put them in the same tank.
so instead of having 2 tanks DT and QT i just have one extra that i slowly acclimate with my DT water.
all my fish are perfectly healthy. the goby is fine now he jus got a little to close to the wrong rock.
and i mean no disrespect in my posts. this is a website. i needed help and i asked for it. i felt attacked and went defensive. i don't care if you are 10 years old and 90 years old. if you have the information i need,i will listen.