quarantine tank


Well its gettin near time for me to get some more fish, and since i had the problem with ich i've decided to QT my fish before putting them in my main tank. I dont want to go through this mess again. I've obtained a 15 gallon with a Whisper 30 filter and a heater, which i've heard is sufficient for a QT tank. My question is do they have to cycle like the show tank before adding fish? Basically, I just need to know what I need to do to it to get it ready to hold fish for 2 weeks or so. Thanks!


yes you need to cycle your qt. if you use old tank water from a water change it will help to speed up your cycle. when you do add a fish to the qt, watch for an ammonia spike just in case.
i dont keep my qt set up all the time so what I do is keep an extra filter pad in my main tank filter. when I need to set up my qt all I do is fill with water from a water change add filter from main tank and I havent had an ammonia spike


Alright, so since I should be getting some new fish in about 2 weeks, I need to go ahead and set up the QT and stick a cocktail shrimp in it or somethin?


yep I would go ahead and set it up and throw in a small cocktail shrimp. you may have to put off your new fish until the cycle has finished


I set the tank up today. I used probably 10 gallons from the main tank, and the rest was freshly mixed stuff. I've had a Whisper 30 just for easy chemical filtration for about a week on my display tank(i use it like 1 week a month, or less) but anyways in my ignorance I didnt realize it had a BIO sponge in it. So i'm assuming there is some sort of bio filter already established! I put that on the QT tank and threw in a small cocktail shrimp, so i'll watch for spikes. I guess if it spikes and falls and the cycle completes, i'm ready to rock, and if nothing happens cept nitrates creep up a little then the bio filter must be well enough established already. i'll keep yall posted