Quarantine Tank


How big are your quarantine tanks? I have an extra 10 gallon tank and I am wondering whether I can use it as a quarantine for a small yellow tang or not. Will it be too small? And how long you guys quarantine the fish? four weeks? Thanks.


Active Member
hi ! beth has listed under the disease and treatment board in the FAQs, Common Treatments, Quarantine, Health Info just about everything you should know about setting up a qt for your fish...hope it helps


Originally Posted by moneylaw
How big are your quarantine tanks? I have an extra 10 gallon tank and I am wondering whether I can use it as a quarantine for a small yellow tang or not. Will it be too small? And how long you guys quarantine the fish? four weeks? Thanks.
Not too small. I have (3) tangs in my 10-gal with no problem. They are healthy. I am on 5th week of my hypo. One more to go.


Active Member
I don't have a lot of room, so I use a 5.5 gallon tank. The longest I've had a fish in there must have been at least a month (a tomato clown). When I do QT a fish, I try and do frequent water changes, about a gallon or so twice a week. So far I haven't had any problems.


A 10g should be fine for a small fish. If you quarantine all your fish before you place them in your DT, you really shouldn't have to quarantine them for parasites again. If you don't quarantine and then get a parasite, you may need a tank much larger than a 10g because you will have to place all of your fish into it.
3 weeks is the minimum time you should quarantine. 4 weeks should be fine if the fish shows no signs of parasites. If a parasite (Ick) is found any time during the quarantine process, then it would be at least 3 more weeks after starting treatment (hypo).


Active Member
basically, you will be better off with a bigger tank. if you have a massive DT, then a 10g tank wont due for big fish that need to be QTd.
i personally have a 29g Tall.