
jb rekit

I just moved tanks and QTed all of my fish for a month with the hyposaline treatment to make sure they are all healthy and parasite free.
They are all doing great and I will QT any new fish I get for a month in the 20 gal, but for inverts and LR what should I do?
I know ich needs a fish host but if you put inverts or LR your tank from a place that had fish in it is it possible to transmit it into you tank from them or only on the fish?
Just don't want to have to catch these guys ever again.
To be more specific, I am about to get 2 more cleaner shrimp and a few more crabs and quite a bit more LR. Should I keep it in something else for a month or just put it directly into my display?


For live rock you can do a hyposalinity dip (around 1.04) that will chase all the hitchhikers off. As for inverts I am not completely sure, you could also try this method for them as well I guess.

jb rekit

Doing a dip with the inverts won't hurt/ shock them at all? I would figure that the crabs would probably be fine, but what about the shrimp?

jb rekit

Ok, just making sure everyone agrees with boomper that doing a hyposaline dip at 1.04 is what I need to do with my 5 emeralds, 2 cleaner shrimp, 2 queen conchs and sally lightfoot crab I ordered on here when they get in.
After the dip, they are then safe to go in the tank, or should they go in the QT still?
How long does the dip need to be?


Active Member
Inverts can not carry ich, as far as I know. There would be no reason to hypo dip them. Plus, inverts are very sensitive to salinity changes and that may not go over well. IMO, just dont add the water they are in, get a bucket and net or hand place them into the tank. I never gave any thought to the LR question until now, I am not sure if that is possible or not. HTH