

I'm starting a new 10 gallon quarantine tank. Once the tank is cycled etc... and I'm ready to buy a new fish (yellow tang) to add to my main display tank won't the size of the quarantine tank stress him out even more? Leaving him in a 10 gallon for 3 weeks while he is supposed to be in at least a 75 gallon tank? I know that the length of time is only temporary, but won't that cause some stress? Opinions/comments?


Active Member
I kinda have the same question as well. Although my QT that I am going to use is only 2.5 gal. Can I take water out of my display tank to fill the QT then skip the whole cycle. As I did do a cycle w/ a damsel and it died yesterday (ONLY BECAUSE IT GOT STUCK IN A ROCK AND I COULDN'T FIND IT).
Anyway after I took him out and put him in the larger tank I cleaned my little one.....Should I have just left it alone? Anyway I want to get a clown or mated pair of clowns and the ones I have seen aren't even an inch long. So it should be fine in my little tank huh?