Quarintine for ICK?


New Member
My LFS suggested that I put my Sailfin Tang in a 6 gal Quarintine Tank and treat it for ICK, also to put my cleaner shrimp in with it. What do you guys think about this?


Active Member
A 6 gallon for a tang? How big is the tang?
You should use hyposalinity in the QT to treat the fish and hypo will kill the shrimp.


Originally Posted by doobieman
The tang is about 2", and they gave me Quick Cure to treat it

the tang will get more stress if you have the option put him at list at 10 gallon (the best will be 20 gallon long size) the best reatment for ich it's hypo treatment.


New Member
OK i put the tang in the QT and treated it, now he looks tons worse. Should I leave him there or put him back in the MT?


Originally Posted by doobieman
OK i put the tang in the QT and treated it, now he looks tons worse. Should I leave him there or put him back in the MT?

sorry about that but do not return the tang to the mt he will infect the other fish and you don't know if it's already happened you need to wach your fish in the mt to see if they don't have ich.
i don't know what size of QT you go with at the end hope it's not the 6gallon one . and i don't no how you prep the qt .
did you read in the fish disease link how to run hypo anyway here is the link:
https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/showthread.php?t=127007 i suggest to you to read it.
from my experience i never add a new fish to mt before i put him 4 weeks in qt , every time i buy new fish even if he look good after 4 or 5 days he get stress or sign of ich and i think that evey one that have a fish tank need to add qt bottom line it's save money and