quartz sand for DSB


Active Member
I just came back from the LFS. This is freshwater fish only store. They sell sand called "Fine quartz sand". The grain size is pretty small. They sell it for freshwater and plants tanks. It look nice, white. I ordered 160 lbs of Live sand and i still have to buy about 160 lb something else. Would it work for DSB?
For people that didn't see my previous posts: There is no aragonite sand here as well as quickrete sand.


i dont see why it wont. if its the only sand you can get then you dont really have too much choice. but i could be wrong. anyone else have ideas?


Active Member
Anyone else, please. I wanna srart converting to a deep sand bed ASAP. I'm just not sure about this quartz sand. LFS guys say don't put it. But it's should be the completely neutral sand. Will 140 lbs of live aragonite and other 165 lbs of that quartz sand do the job in the 110 gal tank and is 140 lbs of live aragonite gonna keep my calcium level?


It will work fine for a DSB. Go ahead and use it. Try a search for "silica" "quickrete" and "quartz", you should find a ton of info if you want to research it further.