Queen angel with white spot on eye - Maracyn TC???


Active Member
I've had my queen angel in the QT for over 2 wks now - was doing great. She started scratching today and I took a close look. I couldn't see anywhere on here what was wrong. The only thing I found was a verrrry small white spot on the left eye that is somewhat cloudy. My LFS recommended using the Maracyn TC (Tetracycline) rather than Maracyn or Maracyn II. What do you all think?


Active Member
I've used it on a person but not a fish. lol
Hopefully you caught it early, in the pix she is a beautiful pix.


Originally Posted by Hefner413
I've had my queen angel in the QT for over 2 wks now - was doing great. She started scratching today and I took a close look. I couldn't see anywhere on here what was wrong. The only thing I found was a verrrry small white spot on the left eye that is somewhat cloudy. My LFS recommended using the Maracyn TC (Tetracycline) rather than Maracyn or Maracyn II. What do you all think?
You don't even now what it is yet and the LFS is recommending something? If it is a dot on her eye, that is cloudy and not popped, then just add vitamins to her food. Zoecon and Vitachem are what I rotate. If she is scratching then keep a close eye on it. There may be parasites.

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist,when I first purchased my Queen angel,It had lymphocysts ,which are white wart like clumps, these clumps were a little bigger than a pins head,white,and round . They were located on its pectoral,anal,and tail fins
. I placed it in quarantine for a while ,only to find out ,there's no cure for lymphocysts
. But after much research,I found the queens immune system was compromised,so I had no choice but to make sure the water parameters were excellent. I also had to give the queen plenty of vitamin enriched foods like sea weed,and angel fish sponged foods . Finally,the lymphocsts disappeared ,and I still have my queen angel fish. The lyphocysts never returned
. Check your water parameters .Queen angelfish need excellent water conditions and a proper diet in order to stay healthy. Enjoy the hobby...