Queen Angel


I bought a beautiful queen angel about 2 weeks ago he had been eating great, picking in the rocks and always swimming.
Yesterday morning when my lights came on I noticed he was not out and about. He was always up and swimming and picking before the lights came on. when they came on yesterday he was hiding. This am I found him dead. My levels in the tank are good. My last water change was feb 4th. He was eating and doing great now he's dead :(
WHAT HAPPENED? Are these fish hard to keep? Not sure if I should try another one.


Active Member
The one I had was VERY hardy, just mean. How old is the tank? What are the levels exactly? Tankmates? Tank setup? Any signs of anything on his body? What size was he?


ok I thought he was dead... I finally got my fingers under the rock to go pull him out and oops he is still hanging on. But now he swims a little than lays on the bottom so I suspect not much longer unless anyone knows a miracle cure for whatever it is.
My tanks has been up for years but crashed about 8 months ago and recycled and regained itself. I have a purple tang & yellow tang,hawk fish, pygmy angle 6 line, and a blue and a pink damsel. He is a pretty good size.
I just checked my levels again ph--8.0
ammonia is starting to move it is between the yellow and green color. ( not yellow not fully green)
nitrates---- 0
DO you think another water change would help him or am I right in saying its too late. This was all of a sudden eating and picking one sec hanging on last legs the next.
NO marks on the body
If the ammonia levels are moving, something is wrong with your water. I hate to say it, but I'd probably remove all the fish if your ammonia is registering. . . .sounds like the tank remains unstable .. .


It is a 55 gal. tank.
Rest of the fish are swimming and eating and their fins are spread open nicely.


He is probably stressed out, and is dying from all those fish you crammed into that little 55 gal. tank. I have a 55 gal. tank I use as a quarantine tank, and had to make myself put in my 1 yellow tang when he started fighting with my koran angel. To many fish for that little of a tank IMO. Not saying I am right or wrong, just saying I would not put that many fish in a 55. This might be the problem. Also what are you feeding him, and how ofter?
try to return it to the lfs, and dont buy more fish since its already overstocked. As a rule of thumb large angels need 20 gallons per inch, so please take in consideration when stocking.


All my fish are pretty good and not of a huge size. They do not fight. the queen is now obviously dead havent seen him in a couple of days. when he was trying to swim he acted like he was paralyzed. He was breathing fine but he just used his front fins to try and swim his body didn't move. He would get to the top of the tank then drift to the bottom. Someone told me that it sounded like the fish had cyanide poisoning. Could this have been? And if so how do I prevent this in the future?
My 2 tangs are bout the size of a hand, My 6 line is a little bitty baby about the size of my thumb nail (eats like a pig). My pygmy is small so is my hawk. My damsels are also small about the pygmys size. I buy my fish as babies. The queen was smaller than my tangs but a little bigger than the rest. My 6 line is the smallest.