queen conch and breeding sea horses


ok yesterday i got a queen conch and i was wondering how big do they get.
i had goten two black sea horses from the channel near us i have had them for about a month or two in the q tank. no signs of illness. when i put them in the show tank will they eventually breed. is there a way to make them want to breed.
ps dont complan geting them from the bay i have gotten a lot of stuff from our bay mostly inverts and they have been FINE.

ed r

I don't know anything about the seahorses, but the Queen Conch will eventually get big (8-10"). I have a small (1-1/4") one in my 55g, along with a similar size Fighting Conch. The Fighting Conch has grown about 1/2" in a month. The Queen is new. My thoughts are that they will be good for the DSB until they get too large. At that point, either a larger tank, or I take it in for credit at the LFS.