Queen trigger gone NUTS!


Well I guess it was nuts to begin with...lol. Ive had this fish for a couple of weeks now and its finally starting to show whos boss. Is there any hope for making this fish less aggressive or do I need to sell it off before it destroys my tank?

ledzep fan

Active Member
I've heard that those get VERY aggressive. Soon it will be the only thing in your tank. Sorry for the bad news


Active Member
Did you not do any research before you got this fish? It is without doubt one of the most aggressive fish in the saltwater hobby. This fish is not a community fish, in most cases it should be by itself or with other large aggressive fish in a very large tank.


Active Member
You need to do one of 2 things:
1. Get the trigger out of the tank and return it to the store you bought it (hoping that the next person has an aquarium big enough to handle this beast.)
2. Keep the fish and get rid of all your other fish.
2a. Buy a 260+ tank for her and keep her as a specimen fish.
The queen trigger is the second largest triggerfish in the ocean (next to the Titan). These ladies are mean. In fact, I have never EVER heard of a queen trigger co-existing with other tank mates after they reach 5-7 inches.
They are beautiful and BRUTAL. Once all your fish are gone your hands are next.


Active Member
... Thats to bad some of these fish can't coexist, they are so beautiful and neat to watch. Just remember Your first fish can and will set the course of your tank, so research is a must before buying anything...We have all made these mistakes...
What exeactly do you mean by "showing who's boss?" If it's just posturing, you will probablly be fine. If she's actually killing other fish, then you do have a problem. Triggers are naturally aggressive and will nip at other fish, but often that is the extent of their aggression. By the way, how big is she?


My Queen died before it got aggressive. When I added my Queen, it got picked on by my Niger. So I took my Niger out and put him in my QT. The Queen was still getting nips and scars. Now I know who was picking on it. My Queen got killed by my Undulated. My guess is that they were fighting over the same clam one day. I came home and the Queen's eyes are gone and the Queen was laying at the bottom of my tank. All my Triggers are juveniles about 2-3 inches. I got a Blue-Lined now and plan on getting another Queen. It is going to be war in my tank. I just hope the Clown, Blue-lined, Queen and Undulated survive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DKNewYork
My Queen died before it got aggressive. When I added my Queen, it got picked on by my Niger. So I took my Niger out and put him in my QT. The Queen was still getting nips and scars. Now I know who was picking on it. My Queen got killed by my Undulated. My guess is that they were fighting over the same clam one day. I came home and the Queen's eyes are gone and the Queen was laying at the bottom of my tank. All my Triggers are juveniles about 2-3 inches. I got a Blue-Lined now and plan on getting another Queen. It is going to be war in my tank. I just hope the Clown, Blue-lined, Queen and Undulated survive.
DK - be prepared to get absolutely flamed for the second to last statement.
If you know it is going to be war in your tank, why would you continue to let this go on? I have seen first hand what the undulated and queen can and will to other fish in the tank.
IMHO, take it or leave it, it is animal cruelty what you are doing with your fish. If one Queen has already died (horribly I might add), why would you subject another fish to this? I am guessing that you are the same type of aquarist that puts goldfish in the tank for your friends to watch it get ripped apart by the eel and triggers for amusement?
I would seriously think about what you are subjecting your fish to in the future.


Active Member
Originally Posted by REDSPOT321
Well I guess it was nuts to begin with...lol. Ive had this fish for a couple of weeks now and its finally starting to show whos boss. Is there any hope for making this fish less aggressive or do I need to sell it off before it destroys my tank?
Do you have this fish in the 55 or 125?
There is no hope for it. Return it immediately. And absolutely, I would dedicate more time to research in the future, there would likely be little to no support for the idea that it would be a good fish choice for the majority of people :( A beauty, but you will not change its INSTINCT.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DKNewYork
My Queen died before it got aggressive. When I added my Queen, it got picked on by my Niger. So I took my Niger out and put him in my QT. The Queen was still getting nips and scars. Now I know who was picking on it. My Queen got killed by my Undulated. My guess is that they were fighting over the same clam one day. I came home and the Queen's eyes are gone and the Queen was laying at the bottom of my tank. All my Triggers are juveniles about 2-3 inches. I got a Blue-Lined now and plan on getting another Queen. It is going to be war in my tank. I just hope the Clown, Blue-lined, Queen and Undulated survive.
DK, You are the aquatic equivalent of Michael Vick, shoving highly aggressive fish into a tank far too small for them....you should find a new hobby and quit torturing fish.

Flame on Campbell.
Originally Posted by DKNewYork
My Queen died before it got aggressive. When I added my Queen, it got picked on by my Niger. So I took my Niger out and put him in my QT. The Queen was still getting nips and scars. Now I know who was picking on it. My Queen got killed by my Undulated. My guess is that they were fighting over the same clam one day. I came home and the Queen's eyes are gone and the Queen was laying at the bottom of my tank. All my Triggers are juveniles about 2-3 inches. I got a Blue-Lined now and plan on getting another Queen. It is going to be war in my tank. I just hope the Clown, Blue-lined, Queen and Undulated survive.
You really should be more responsible with your fish selection. I personally love Queens and it hurts to hear your story. I recommend that you do not get another one.


Oh well.
I'm not getting another Queen anyways. It's not like I came home and was like "Yes, my Queen is dead." I mean what is the point of aggressive fish and not dropping in some live feeders as entertainment. They kill live fish in the ocean anyways. Check out youtube. There are people doing that all the time. I don't even drop live feeders that often. It's not like I want to buy triggerfish to see them fight each other. I get them because I only like triggers. I got 150 gallon tank and when they get bigger, I'm going to give some of them back to my friend's fish store. If I wanted fish that are not aggressive, I'd get reef safe and community fishes. So whatever, flame on


Active Member
Originally Posted by DKNewYork
Oh well.
I'm not getting another Queen anyways. It's not like I came home and was like "Yes, my Queen is dead." I mean what is the point of aggressive fish and not dropping in some live feeders as entertainment. They kill live fish in the ocean anyways. Check out youtube. There are people doing that all the time. I don't even drop live feeders that often. It's not like I want to buy triggerfish to see them fight each other. I get them because I only like triggers. I got 150 gallon tank and when they get bigger, I'm going to give some of them back to my friend's fish store. If I wanted fish that are not aggressive, I'd get reef safe and community fishes. So whatever, flame on

I respect that DK...triggers are one of the best fish in the hobby IMO. But to make a statement like "it will be war in there" is like saying...go ahead guys and lets see who will kill everyone.
As far as the live feeder comment. I have never heard of a trigger in the wild going after a goldfish, unless there is some other type of saltwater goldie I am unaware of. These serve as no nutritional value to the fish that eat it, and it is basically like teaching your pit bulls how to kill other dogs.
Triggers enjoy meaty foods and prefer clams, shrimp, crabs, etc. If you drop a live feeder in the tank with them and they kill it, it only teaches them to go after their other tank mates when they need food.
I guess that I treat my fish like my children and cant stand to see any of them in pain. I would never intentionally put any fish I own in danger by putting in the mother of all aggressive fish with them.
If you love triggers so much, get another tank and keep a specimen only tank. Get your queen and enjoy her where she belongs...alone. I think that they are one of the most stunning triggers available, but I have NEVER heard of a queen trigger surviving in a tank with other fish unless it has a TON of room to roam. In fact, the Denver Zoo removed their 2.5 ft queen trigger from their HUGE aquarium because it killed other tank mates.
We are just trying to advise and take it or leave it. I like your idea about a trigger tank, I would just like to see these guys in a bigger tank.