Question 4 Krishj39


In a post, you replied that your mushrooms grew once a month and now they are spreading fast. I cut mine to get more.. How in the world are yours reproducing so fast?? If you could help me out I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks. Matt


Active Member
Hey man, wow that is an old thread you pulled up by I think I remember it. Basically I'm not doing anything special to get them to spread. I started out with just 2 happy mushrooms and now a year and a half later they have probably become maybe 100 mushrooms. Not all of my varieties split that quickly. The fastest multiplying varieties are the smooth ones. Any of the mushrooms that have bubbles or hairy, or fuzzy don't spread as quickly. That means the green striped, the red, and the blue are some of the fastest. It sounds like you have already done a good amount of research, since you dug up that old thread, I can't really offer you any tips you don't already know. I'm not doing anything special whatsoever. If I was, I'm confident the quickest method would be to put them in a high flow situation where they would move to get away from it and leave lots of babies in their wake. IME, the amount of light they recieve has nothing to do with how quickly they multiply. Basically, all I can tell you is get the kinds that multiply quickly and/or give it time. I started out with 2 happy mushrooms a year and a half ago and now I'd guess those 2 have turned into about 100. But, for the first 6 months at least, I didn't see any significant multiplication. Just give it time. Attached is a picture where I have circled the 2 types of mushrooms I have that reproduce by far the fastest. Hope some of this is helpful.


i find that if a mushroom get blasted by a ph for a week they decide to move, when they move they leave another shroom behind.... btw my first coral was a blue shroom, it didnt reproduce at all for 3 yrs... not a single new polyp... but now in the past month it has given me 3 babies


Thats cool.. I have began cutting mine.. But I dont glue them down and they dissapear.. I just try to put a clear piece of plastic over them but sometimes it doesnt work.. I have like 7 or 8 of the red ones like in your pic.. so i'll try getting another powerhead and maybe they will move. I have polps i heard move when placed by the powerhead. and I have Xenias that I cut too. they are turning out GREAT.. But I want more shrooms.. I may try to buy some more and that way I can have a bunch one day. Im cheap so Im trying to find the easy way to get out. Thanks for the advice.
What do you mean by blasting them with ph?? Im kind of new to the saltwater deal but I am learning more and more everyday. thanks


by blastng them i mean having a ph pointed at them... so that they become uncomfortable with the living conditions provided for them,,, they will then move to find a happier place...