ok, i was just wondering, in my tank im pretty sure it has ich, however, the only fish that seems to have it is my blue hippo tang, and i only see it about once a month, if that, all it is is about 5-10 white dots on him (keep in mind hes about 6 inches) i have quite a few cleaner shrimp in my tank, but i dont know, ill look at my hippo, get mad that it has ich, prepare my qt tank, and the next day itll be gone, and the fish will be perfectly fine, ive had no fish deaths, and none of the other fish have the white spots on them, does ich really do anything to the fish? the last time i had it was about 4 months ago, and i put all my fish into a qt tank, and im pretty sure it wasnt fully cycled because my flame angel died, i had them in the qt for a month at a salinity of 1.09, and had my tank run fishless for 5 weeks, but i dont know how it came back, but it did, anyways, is it really something i should be concerced about? 2 months, 5-10 little dots on my fish a month, and only on one fish, is it really worth taking down my whole tank again,