Question abouot Cleanup Crew


I've had my clean-up crew in the tank now for about 12 hours. I followed the acclimation procedure to a tee. Some of the snails are moving around the LS & LR and the glass, but others are just "lying on the floor", swaying with the current, but not really showing any "life". One Feather Duster is exposed in all it's glory, looking quite nice! The other is partially out ow it's cocoon(?), but nearly as exposed as his brother.
As for the Coral Banded Shrimp, I saw him swim into a rock hole, but I haven't seen him since, same for the Emerald Crabs. Will these guys eventually come out to play?
For the snails and crabs just lying on the floor, how long till I see some motion from them, assuming their alive?


yes they will. Patience is the key! I too was worried but by next morning everything was alive and jumping. you will be fine and good luck.


Active Member
Just ensure that the snails are right side up. Alot of them cannot right themselves. As far as the E crabs go, I hardly see mine, not sure on the CBS.


Emerald crabs hide most of the time. I'm not really sure if I still have mine or not. I ended up trading in my CBS. He got very aggressive & was always chasing my fish around. I actually saw him catch a clown by the back fin & then woke up one morning to find him eating a fire shrimp while it was still alive. My tank is much more peaceful without him. You may want to do a search on them for more opinions but I will NEVER own one again. Just my opinion of course!