Question about 1 of my clowns.

the female the bigger one is beating his butt up. if she don't stop he will being going to the toilet and flushed. brine is worthless as mentioned. i did use a lot of spirlina brine back when i used frozen. i just don't like frozen foods just because i don't like doing water changes. the system i have now is loaded with fish and i haven't done a water change in almost 18 months. i no your thinking how could this be. it is easy don't over feed. and the system is 4 years old a runs its self. 35 years of this hobby the only big improvements i have seen is lighting , protein skimmers and UV sterilizers. and of the 3 i say a UV sterilizer is a must. i use a 40 watt gamma and change the bulb every 10 months. i can tell the way the fish are acting its time to replace the bulb.


Well my bigger one is the one getting beat up. She is the one with the messed up face, thats why im confused. I think i have a UV sterilizer that i got from a friend when i bought the tank off him. I will check on that, and this is my 2nd 90gal tank that i own, I havent done a water change in my other one for 2 years, but its all fish. The new one i havent done a water change in a month but the tank is only like 2 months up and running.


Ok my clown is ok now. Dont know what it was but i did a fresh water dip for about 10 sec and put a cleaner wrasse in my tank and now everything is off her face!!!!