question about a tank overflowing


hello, can someone let me know the odds of a tankoverflowing is, i have had mine for 3 months now its 110 gallons, it seems from time to time that my output flow of water coming back into the tank isnt so strong, can the pressure go up and down to how hard it pushes out?
it seems sometimes the water level gets alittle higher then other times.
im just nervous that i could come home from work and it could have over flowed and start a fire if it gets on the cords
i know this is a bit of a stupid question
but i find myself checking on it alot sometimes, i think i might be a little over worried. please let me know from people who have had tanks a long time.


if you have a tank with an overflow box u most likely have air trapped in the siphon tube,
sometimes they will get sucked down but sometimes they build up to one large bubble and cut the flow down or even stop it
wich is real bad if the pump in your sump is still on
especially if you have a 110 but I would think it would be rr and have oveflows


I dont know if i have an overflow box, i know it sounds a bit crazy but im not really sure, i havent installed one or anything so im pretty sure that i dont have one. but it just seems like sometimes the water coming back into the tank is very slow pressure and seems like the water goes up higher at times so i have that fear of what if it over flows at one point, could that happen? can air bubbles get built up in the main hoes?


if you have a U shape drain tube that is upside down on the edge of your aquarium taking water out and sending it to a wet/dry or sump I would look in it to see if there is air trapped in it.
if you have a drilled tank "hole in the glass" with water running through it this probably isn't the problem


mine is a drilled tank then, so could it be air built up at times, or does that have to do with the pump or could it be that when the water gets to low at the bottom and needs more water added in, that air could be getting up where the tube at the bottom should be submerged under water, (sounds kinda confussing ) but can it effect the flow if the input and out put tubes at the bottom are not always always submerged at all times untill water is added.


ghola if you can you should take a couple pics of the setup then we all could probably help ya.
but from what I just got from your last post it may be that your drain and pump just may not be matched to each other or that the pump needs the flow rate adjusted pics help alot