question about a trigger


New Member
does a humu humu trigger become aggressive when it gets older? Right now the humu humu is a baby and has shown now signs of aggression towards my other fish. Also would it be okay to add another trigger to the tank, if so what is the most compatable trigger that would not fight with the humu humu?

72 gallons
humu humu trigger, large yellow tang, orange tail damsel.
crushed coral substrate
bio filter
huma are aggressive toward other triggers always and will let them now but towards other not too bad as long as the fish can hold there own i hav one who stands off against my undulated at time chasing each other but not hurting just showing off :D


You can mix triggers of not like colors. If the species resembles in color than it will not work. However this is done with cation, it could go either way, it is in the middle of no and yes. But, can be done, I currently have many triggers in the same aquarium (non like colors is the secret). Yes all triggers are aggressive with age esspecially the huma. Small tank, I wouldn't advise another trigger unless you have the funds to upgrade, when the time comes


I'm going to go ahead and disagree with you there about the "like color" thing. I have actually had a huma huma and a bursa together for a very long time and they seem to pal around more than anything. My advice if you do decide to add another trigger and you don't want the old one to get him when you introduce him, move your rocks around a bit to give everyone a chance to claim their own territory. It has worked for me in the past with a clown trigger,eel,niger trigger,huma huma tank. They all were preoccupied when I put the new fish in then.


My suggestions are only from experience, it is a rare situation for a bursa and a huma to get along. Although as we all know, or are quickly learning, no two fish are the same. I stock aquariums on rules, based on 13 years of experience in this great hobby. I am curious, if the bursa was the first aquarium inhabatant? Not that it really matters, cause that sounds like a beautiful pair, your fortunate.


My bursa and huma get along just fine too! I have had the huma since he was about an inch! I add the bursa when they were both around 3in. They both are around 6in now and they get along great! Tanksolove I've got 20+ yrs of experience an your train of thought dosen't indicate you would have 13yrs but hey just an opinion!


Active Member
For your question, do humu's get more agressive when they get older? Well, all fish are different. You might have one that remains mellow all his life. On the other hand, you might get one like mine that is the terror of the deep and thinks its an undulate. Tank size, tank mates, and feeding will all play a role in the agressiveness in your fish down the road. Bo