Question about acclimation


I just recieved my order of 5 peppermint shrimp, 2 cleaner clams, 10 nacc snails, 10 cerr snails, and emrald crab and a serpant star. can these all be acclimated together? or does each need its own separate bin?


Active Member
Well, I see no reason why you cant acclimate them together. Just do it slowly because inverts are sensitive to changes in water parameters..


I have an order of snails, shrimp and others on it's way and was wondering the same thing. I bought a couple snails and an urchin from my LFS and acclimated them separately since they came from different tanks. Maybe I am over thinking it, but wouldn't each bag have different tank water in it? What did you end up doing Nick? Are they all doing well?


Hey TPNEL, I acclimated the snails, clams, shrimp and crab together for aout an hour with a fairly rapid drip. I did the brittle star seperately for about the same time in a darkened bucket. I guess they like the dark.
Everybody is doing great
The crab started munchin as soon as he touched down. the star craweled under a rock but was in a new spot this morn. one clam burried itself the other is halfway down. and the shrimp actully ganged up on an AIP last nite cuz this morning it was gone! Im pretty pleased with the outcome.


Active Member
If you want to acclimate them to ALL parameters, you'd have to do them in their separate bags. The pH could be different in all of them.
If they came from from a LFS and from the same system of water, I wouldn't worry and would put them in a single container and acclimate that way. Shipped, I'd leave them separate.


Active Member
How well they tolerate being added to our tank really is about how they are treated from the ocean to the many pitstops on the way to our doorstep. Some die despite the best acclimation. Some live despite the worse. Sometimes it's out of our hands.


Thats another great point Cranberry, sometimes it really is out of our hands despite our best efforts.
Like If the fed-ex guy plays Ace Ventura: kickball star before dropping off our packages.
It sucks when you think you did everything perfictly, then a few days later the fish dies. that makes you question your processes and methods in use. Even tho the fish may have been on its way out to begin with


Glad to hear they are all doing well Nick! My CUC should be here tomorrow
Funny (well not so funny) you should mention Ace Ventura, because my FedEx guy could easily pass for an older version of him! I don't think I'll be getting much sleep tonight!
Thanks Cranberry for the info!!


Active Member
As long as they're all from the same place then it's usually pretty safe to say that they'll all be in the same water.
Personally I will acclimate all inverts together seperate from fish. I never add more than one fish at a time (except clowns) so I never really have ran into the 'all at once' situation with fish.
with coral.. I toss them in. :)


After a little dip right?
I woke up this morning and found 3 hermits sitting inside an empty clamshell looking for seconds.

Now my Inverts are eating better than me! Clam Dinner! sheesh!
Oh and I was watching my brittle last night when what goes truckin past in the night but another teeny tiny brittle star. this one more colorful and striped the the one I purchased. and about a tenth the size!
Wonder never cease!
I would worry about the shipping. Every order Ive placed came Through in colors. The LIVE FISH stickers help too! Although I trust Fed-EX more than UPS ( I used to work there. I KNOW THINGS!


My CUC arrived in excellent condition (with the exception of 1 DOA shrimp), they are all acclimated and in my tank
I'm excited to turn the lights off tonight and see if my brittle star comes out to play! I'm loving all the activity in my tank!! LOVE IT!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Handbanana
After a little dip right?
I've never dipped. I just give them a good look while at the fish store and before I put them into the tank.
My brother is a believer of freshwater dipping.


I only dip because of that spider! It ruined everything.
Creepy little sob.
Hey Tpnel, Glad to hear everything is goin well! it will be great to see that brittle in action! They are cool as heck. I keep sayin dont crawl into that tiny hole, youll get stuck but those things fit in some pretty tight spaces.
Anyway congrats on the CUC!