Question about adding more Live Rock


Active Member
I want to add about 60 pounds to my tank it has about 75 pounds right now. It is a 72 gal. bowfront(drilled)
Currently have
2 Clownfish
1Lawnmower Blenny
feather duster
I want to know how to add more live rock to the tank without killing anything.
I do not have anything i could put the rock in for curing it except the tank with everything living in it.
Any help would be grately APPRECIATED!
Thanks in advance!


Active Member
If the rock of not cured do not put it in your tank. Just go and buy a Rubbermaid tote or something like that and a power head and a heater. That's all you need. Just cure the live rock in that. If you place the live rock directly in your tank it will cause another cycle unless its cured live rock.


Active Member
im confused how do you get the power head to work in a tuberware tub thing? Pics and instructions would greatly be appreciated!


Active Member
Right now I'm curing about 45lbs of live rock in a 20 gallon or so tote. Just place the ph in the tote by connecting it to the side of the tote using the suction cups. Do the same thing with the heater and you're good to go. The last time I did this I did water changes every other day to keep the ammonia down so that I wouldn't kill anything that I might want on the live rock.


Active Member
I still don't get how to get the power head to work like were you hook it up.
Cough Cough PICS Cough Cough


Active Member
I don't have pics sorry, but the powerhead should plug directly into the wall and if you put the other end in the tub that's all that it needs to get started.


Active Member
Are you buying the LR from a LFS that's in one of their tanks, If so, you should be able to add it right away. If not and it's mail order, put it in a Rubbermaid and add a submersible pump or power head, heater and move your skimmer to the Rubbermaid. Watch water params and when Ammonia and Nitrite are zero you should be ready.


Active Member
becuase i have read that even cured live rock won't be totaly cured where it might not be safe to put into my display tank with fish and inverts.


Active Member
If you buy cured live rock from a lfs its fine to put right into your tank. I would just buy it right from this site. Its nice rock for a good price. It will take about two weeks to cycle.