Question about adding to my tank??


New Member
I currently have a have 6 fish in my tank---1 Blue Angel, 1 Blue Hippo Tang, 1 percula clownfish, 1 firefish goby, 1 engineer goby (who stays underneath it's cone 100% of time unless he is eating , he then comes out 2 or 3 inches to eat), and 1 blue damsel, I also had about 15 hermit crabs.
I have had these same fish for approximately 6 months. I am ready to get a few more fish with these that I have. I have no live rock and a 120 gallon tank. I am trying to figure out what fish would be good to add to these. I would like to have some opionions on adding these fish listed below with the ones I currently have (also some other suggestions on the fish would be great).
Would it be fine to add::::
1. Flame Angel---(Would he be OK with the Blue Angel)???
2. Blonde Naso Tang or Naso Tang---(would one of these be fine with the Blue Hippo I have)???
3. Yellow Tang--(Would this be too many Tangs???)
4. Royal Gramma--(I have had bad luck with these fish , I have had 3 to die on me in the past 2 years)
5. Lawnmower Blenny--I need help on algea in my tank , and think he should help.
I currently have been having some maroon looking algea growing on my fake coral and at bottom of tank on top of my shells. I will clean my tank and it will start growing back in a few days, do I just need something like a Lawnmower Blenny to help with this???
Please give me your opinions on adding these fish listed above and opionions on other fish I may think of adding,


i think you are stocked especially with no live rock. The naso gets WAY to big. over 2 feet. Flame and blue wouldn't get along, yellow tang... maybe... royal gramma i think is ur best choice. maybe some other psuedochromis like a strawberry. The red slime is cyano agae, pain in the

. You need to bump up on water flow and filtration. Maybe add a fuge? You have excess nutrients. I wouldn't add any more fish until that is completely gone. Get some snails (cerith, astrea) i'de say about 50. And that should help. But get rid of the problem causing it which is nutrients. Check nitrates, do water changes
Get rid of that then go from there.. i hope this helps


A friend of mine has a blue hippo, a convict tang, and a yellow tang in the same tank. They're all relatively the same size and they don't fight or anything. They swim around together a lot, actually. He added the hippo first, then the yellow, then the convict. I think you'll be fine with a yellow tang. :)
FYI, a royal gramma is a basslet, not a pseudochromis. But I've had better experience with and heard better things about pseudos than grammas. Although, the firmandi/orchid dottyback is my personal favorite. I wish I had one.
Good luck w/ adding your fish!
Here are my friend's tangs (if the pic works..):


i use to have algea problem, then, i reduced my lighting, still not helping that much.
but after i got my Mimic Tang - Lemonpeel , he ate all my algea and i can't even keep up and have to turn on my light all the time (he also eat other foods too). maybe you should consider a Mimic Tang.