question about agae.


New Member
i have a 55gal fowlr tank two mollies and 1 damsel...several inverts and 25 pounds of live rock. I have a algae prob and i was woundering if i could just turn the light out for a few days to kill the algae....or would it kill hurt my live rock too?


Active Member

Originally posted by sneed
i have a 55gal fowlr tank two mollies and 1 damsel...several inverts and 25 pounds of live rock. I have a algae prob and i was woundering if i could just turn the light out for a few days to kill the algae....or would it kill hurt my live rock too?

two days will not hurt your live rock but I doubt it will fix your algae bloom either.
I would look at the cause of your algae bloom. ARe you overfeeding? Cut our feeding back to every other day and cut your lighting hours in half. Also you might want to do some daily small water changes to reduce your NO3 and NO4 levels.

liz s.

I had a major nusiance (hair, whatever you call it) algae problem after I bought my new light. I purchased three emerald crabs and they are the most amazing creatures ever! It's not all gone as they've only been in there a week...but it's looking so much better...and they were so inexpensive...about 10 each!