question about bluespotted jawfish

i accidently posted this in the reef section...but after thinking about it its more just fish..oops :).........
my reef has had a diamond goby in it for about a year now with no problems. but i really want to buy a bluespotted jawfish my lfs just got in. i have 2 the bluespotted jawfish completely reef, snail, and shrimp compatible...and 2....will my diamond goby and the jawfish fight? or will they be ok...any help would be great! thanks


Active Member
According the the compatability charts, google marine compatability chart, the are listed as compatable. Does not mean the you may have a rouge of one or the other though. Each fish is different and do not read the charts!
The jawfish is one of the most docile reef safe fishes around by the way. However it will not allow anything to invade its space and will flare up and if it can get it in it's mouth, will carry away those things that get close.
That said I have seen two Bali tiger jawfish lock jaws with each other in a fight.


also make sure to note that it will make its whoel whereever it pleases, so make sure all your rock is on the bottom of the case becuase they can easily cause a collapse


Active Member
Great point nuro! We should also add that those that lose these fish the cause is usually the have jumped out of the tank and died on the floor. Make sure you have a top on your tank. My first jawfish, a pearly Opistognathus aurifrons jumped through a 3/8 inch pond netting and became turkey jerky! So they can get through the smallest holes. Read on another site that the posters blue spotted did the same thing after one year in the tank with the same pond netting top.


ya good point about the jumping; i recenlty lost my lyer's tail jawfish to carpet surfing. my blue spotted was actually stolen, hes still one of the best fish ive ever had :/
well i bought the far he has made a hole in the back corner of the tank under a rock...seems happy, no ones messing with him at least


Active Member
The jaw and goby should be fine together. I lost my jawfish to carpet diving as well.
Just make sure you get food close to your jaw or he may become quite hungry. Post pics if you get any!
i would love to post pictures....but everytime i try to take pictures of anything in my tank, the pictures always come out blurry. i think it's because my camera isn't a high quality one hah....sorry :(