Question About Brittle Star


Originally Posted by ophiura
He (or more probably she) can :yes:
Thanks Ophiura -- Will definitely be careful!!
Got a question for you.. My tank got out of control, I don't have any water parameters to post, but if the nitrates got out of control -- say a large increase due to over feeding I noticed my green brittle running in the tank (as I was scooping my home made feeding out of tank) have you ever experienced a brittle doing that?


Active Member
Spot feeding is basically target feeding. It is assuring the brittle gets food. It can be either watching it closely to be sure it is getting shrimp pellets for example, or actually putting food on a bamboo skewer or similar and handing it to them. This could be bits of shrimp, krill, squid, silversides, etc.
Keonia -
How do you mean, like after a big feeding or just do to water quality? If there is food in the tank, then they can smell it and may become very "excited" and move rapidly around the tank. Almost being over stimulated by the amount of food and not being able to determine exactly where the smell may be coming from.