question about buying dry live rock


I was going to ask a similar question so I will do it here. Can you add a few pieces of lava rock to your live rock reef? I have slowly added pieces of tuffa and lace rock. Wondering about lava, red or black.


Do you mean Base rock? Or live rock that you had that dried up?
I dont think you can use lava rock, it might have metal or it might not be saltwater safe. I would just stick with lase/base rock.


Active Member
If it's dried up it's not really "live" rock anymore...
The "live" part comes from all the bacteria and "critters" that live in and on the rock in the water...Dry it out and they're not there...
However it would be better to use the dried out "live rock" (now base rock) than to use an non-oceanic based rock...


Active Member
No lava rock, I wouldn't buy that rock unless you can get it under $1 a pound, if you go to ---- HIROCKS seller has some hawiian dry base rock, it runs about $1 a pound shipped, I have 60lb of it and its great, my tank has been up 2 months and its getting coraline algae spots on it


That rock you have pictured I saw on ---- and E-MAILED him, He said
he only took the rock out to take the picture and it's still live!
Your guess is as good as mine if it's true or not!


New Member
Yea I emailed him too and he told me the same thing, but in the picture it looks like it's dry. Right now I have a 29 set up that needs some. I was also thinking about putting some in a 10 gallon for seahorses.


i would buy base rock from HIROCKS on, Then s up the base rock between the two tanks, The live rock in your 29 will seed the base rock, and for the sea horsees, i wouldn't do that unless you are an expert at keeping aquariums, pipefish and seahorses need alot of pods, or a refugium. And they are VERY hard to take care off.