Question about cleaning sand...


New Member
When you do water changes do you use the gravel vacuum to siphon out water and to vacuum the sand? Or do you leave the sand bed undisturbed and just siphon out water? I previously used crushed corral and vacuumed it but want to use LS this time around. How do you keep the sand a pretty clean color? The cleaning crew I have been reading about? Thanks!!


from what i have learned......dont mess with the sand bed. You will disturb the microorganisms


Active Member
Don't vacuum LS, you'll have a real mess. Yes...a good cleaner crew and proper water parameters along with the critters in the sandbed will keep it clean. :D


Active Member
dont vacuum the sand and dont put in a sand shifting star it will eat all the critters in your sand bed just siphon out the water, also you could try some nassarius snails to turn over your sand bed


Whats wrong with a Sand sifter star fish? I have had one for awhile now and only see him 1 every 2 weeks. I have a 75 set up. Should I get rid of him? If so....... why?


Sand sifting stars will eventually eat up all the critters in your sandbed rendering it useless as a biological filter. You may be ok with one in your 75 (the tank may be able to replenish as fast as the star eats) but in my 29, all the worms and pods just disappeared. :( I had to sell him to the LFS for some credit. Made me sad because I liked the guy.