question about clownfish


i have a 35 gallon tank with one percula clownfish (I've had him for about 3 years. I want to order my fish off this sight tomorrow and they are sold out of the perc clown aquacultured...(which is like the one I have now). Could I buy the perc clownfish wild which is available from here right now and they would do Ok together. Also are they as hardy as the aquacultured? also I was thinking about adding
1 3stripe damsel
perc clown
fridmana aquacultured
How does this sound? i'm looking for hardy easy level of care fish but also something with color and personality. Any suggestions....I really like the 3 stripe damsel. Would it go with these fish? Do the damsels do better in pairs?
Any input is appreciated. thanks


Active Member
Like I said before, I would switch the three-stripe damsel for a four-stripe. At a glance, you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference. I can't really help with the clown, but everything on your list should work fine.


Do they have to have a host, or can thy live happily in a tank that does not have anemones?


Active Member
Originally Posted by alane67
Do they have to have a host, or can thy live happily in a tank that does not have anemones?
They do fine without an anemone. I've kept a false perc and a tomato for over 10 years without an anemone.