Question about controller????


I am looking at the Neptune Systems AquaController Jr with Serial Port + Temperature Probe + DC8. I found it at a good price with with a PH probe included for $250. My question is this a decent controller? anyone have any experience with it? can you keep the temp probe and the PH probe hooked up at the same time?
Any response about this will be greatly appreciated.


i have a reefkeeper lite. They are only $99 right now.
AC jr vs. reefkeeper lite..... figure out what you want to do with a controller and pick the one that will offer the best features for your use.
These are the best 2 low end controllers on the market.
I have 2 temp probes and a pH probe running at the same time. I will also have a salinity probe soon as i upgrade one of my modules.


well they both do the same thing that I need. Which one is more bang for the buck?
they are both about the same price with the options you listed. Both will serve you well. some like he acjr, others like the rkl
I went with reefkeeper for 2 reasons.
1. because of the easy path to upgrade. All the modules work with the elite, so all i need to do is upgrade the head unit.
2. The MLC module


Originally Posted by coastie81
guessing nobody else here has one or has no info?????
they are OK. I have one with 8 plug module.
I DO WISH I had sprung for the bigger model. If you outgrow it you have no upgrade path. Now I have to spend $500 to get the ultimate model and sell this one. If you can afford it. get the elite.


Originally Posted by windlasher
they are OK. I have one with 8 plug module.
I DO WISH I had sprung for the bigger model. If you outgrow it you have no upgrade path. Now I have to spend $500 to get the ultimate model and sell this one. If you can afford it. get the elite.

I went with reefkeeper for 2 reasons.
1. because of the easy path to upgrade. All the modules work with the elite, so all i need to do is upgrade the head unit.