question about coral beauty angel

Can a coral beauty angel fish be kept in a 25 gallon fowlr? Im trying to decide on making a 25 gal fowlr or a 12 gal nano...


the coral beauty CAN be in a 25g tank but i wouldnt recommend it. i have mine in a 55g and it loves the room to swim. It goes under and inbetween rocks in a playful manner


i agree.
i alos have a coral beauty in a 55 gallon reef and I'm sure he appreciates the room to swim and go through tunnels etc. try and get a small one for your tank.
I think Im just gonna go with a 12 gallon nano, but if I do want to go with a fowlr I think it will be a 46 gal bow front. I just cant decide!


My Coral Beauty is doing well in 54 corner with 50 pounds of live rock...swims all over the place. I wouldnt go smaller