Question about curing LR!


Hey guys...I gotta question about curing LR that has been shipped. Ok first off I'm probably buying live rock from someone in N.J. (I'm in Michigan) and he has to ship it to me most likely 2day. I'm gettin 25 pounds and have no place to cure it and my 40 gallon is full of corals and fish and other critters so I don't wanna screw it up. It's fully cured rock as of now but I'm afraid It'll need more curing after shipping. Will it? If so what is good to cure it in? How long will it take? Iv'e never really cured LR before...what exactly do you do besides waterchanges, heating, and flow. Can I do it in a rubbermaid container? I'll take all the advise I can get. Thanks-Greg


Active Member
Yes, it will need to be cured. Just put it in saltwater (rubbermaid, garbage can, w/e) with a heater and a powerhead. Then when the ammonia and nitrite levels go to 0 in maybe 2-3 weeks it is ok to put in your tank.


Doctor, heres a reply I posted to another guy concerning the same subject. Hope it helps.
I use a 30 gal rubbermaid container, powerhead, and a heater. To speed the die off you can run the heater a bit high (I usually run it around 84 degrees), pick off any sponges you see (which are already dead - they die when exposed to air), and lightly scrub the rock with a nylon brush between water changes. Initially Ill change the water after a day or two, then every three days until I test zero for ammonia and nitrite. Never add too much cured rock to your tank at one time either, even if you cant detect ammonia on your tests (might still cause a spike). And one important word of advice - WEAR GLOVES. I cant tell you how many times Ive been stung, stabbed, or cut by critters on live rock. Be careful!!