Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I have to disaggree there Aztec it just introduces the bacteria to the aquarium after a while you take it out and the bacteria that has spread beyond the CC to the main tank finishes colonization, there is no dependance created, just an introduction or source rather for the bacteria, its a method I use when conditioning dead sand to go into established aquariums I just start up a cycle tub of dead sand throw in a hand full of live sand and ghost feed. the dead sand does not depend on that little bit forever it just colonizes a little quicker due to having bacteria introduced.
I stand corrected, cuz of the way you just explained it! Lol i was thinking of a bigger scale. Let's say he puts water in tank with deadrock/deadsand and the nylon.
I know about bacteria introducing too, you can also put a little bit of liverock and other things even a sponge that has been colonize by bacteria.
But let's go back to the point, lets say he puts water in tank with deadsand/deadrock & cc in nylon. Is the tank going to be cycle sooner? most likely, so when should he take the cc out? right after cycle? will he's deadrock/deadsand have enuf bacteria colonies to handle bioload?
i understand the concept of bacteria introducing. but other than that.