Question about cycling the tank.


We set the tank up about 2 weeks ago, We have a skimmer, heater and lights. We put in live sand and one 3pound piece of Live Rock at set up. Two days ago we added some power heads. Yesterday we added 40 more pounds of Live rock. Should we start the cycle now or did the live sand and rock help get the tank ready to go already? If we do need to cycle the tank after we add the food to start it breaking down how long should the different levels show up in the tank? It goes Amo, Nitrite, Nitrate then PH right?


Active Member
Most of the time a cycle takes about 1 month. You've cycled 2 weeks, but then you added more LR yesterday. If that rock isnt cured it will take about another month.
What are your water paremeters?


The LR we added yesterday was already cured. I checked the water pram. last Sunday and will again today, Calc 420, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0, Amo had a little on it but I did not write down the number and the PH was around 8.1 I think. I just picked up the KH/GH test yesterday so I will test that today as well as the rest. If we end up starting the cycle or starting it again will that have a negative effect on the Coraline and Feather duster looking things on the LR?


You have cycled, but I would test and wait for one more week. When you add more of anything you can get a small cycle that compensates. Even if you hadn't added a thing I would say to wait one more week anyway, just to make sure you are stabalized. If you don't have any bumps (any) I would add the clean up crew. Congrats!


cycle times will vary based on too many variables that anyone in here will be able to tell you how long it will take YOUR tank to cycle. you will hear anything from 3 days to months. but its greatly based on the quality of your live rock and what type of filtration you have.
Can I put an anemone in my 55 gallon tank with the original lighting setup that came with it? It's cycled and I have a clean-up crew and the damsela I cycled the tank with, crushed coral for substrate and 55 pounds of live rock. I'd like to put an anemone and clown fish in it. :help:


if your lighting is the normal 40 watt light, no anenome. They are typically picky about lighting and water quality. I know first hand. I tried to do things cheap at first and lost about $300 of livestock!


Originally Posted by janicebembry
Sorry I don't have a reply. I'm new at this. Please explain how I ask a question of my own?
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