Question about DIY Live Rock


Active Member
I wanna make a piece of rock for my reef that has been up and running for a few years. I know they say use Portland type 1 or 3. I was wondering if I could use "rapid set" cement all? It does not say the type but the guy at Home Depot stated the only difference is it dries quicker. Anyone can help me on this?


Well-Known Member
Don't do it.
Even if you make it with the right cement, it takes at least six months of curing in a pond, lake, river, stream or toilet tank for it to even be a viable piece of rock.
Your better bet is to buy base rock and use some tools, acrylic rods, marine epoxy putty and the like to shape a rock into a form that you like. It will be much faster, and you don't run the risk of having dramatic pH spikes.
Just my .02


Active Member
Really? I just wanna make one piece in a 200+ gallon system. I have heard a lot of people do it with success. And I thought I can just place it in my tank?


Well-Known Member
noo, it takes a while to cure.
You have to use the right portland cement, and not a whole lot of it. You mainly use aragonite (course sand) as well as ground up oyster shells to keep from using so much cement. The rock still has to cure in a vat, pond, lake, stream, river... etc. etc. before you stick it in the tank. One small piece of rock in a tank of mine killed everything because it spiked the pH up to 12, so I have a little experience with this.