question about fish stock????????


i have a 55g with 8 fish in it but keep this in mind i only have 50 lb of live rock tank has lots of swiming room on top and in center the fish list is
2 b/g chromis
2 percula clowns
1 small clown goby(yellow)
1 diomond watchman goby
1 bio color blenny(mid size)
1 royal gramma
and some crabs shrimp and stars plus snails please give me your feedback thanks :confused:


Active Member
Sounds like a nice tank. Your stocking list sounds good. Are you asking if you could add more fish? If so what kind? It also depends on the size of the fish that you have now. Like, I had a hippo tang the size of a quarter. So of course I added more fish.


don't want to add more fish just want to know if it's ok with that many in there maybe will be geting a 90g soon