question about green chromis and purple pseudochromis


i read you cant keep a purple pseudochromis with other dottybacks or basslets, but what about green chromis? i have 4 green chromis and the purple pseudochromis isnt' being very nice,.. kinda rushes them a few times..should i get rid of the purple pseudochromis? or will they learn to adapt...?


Active Member
purple pseudo can be very aggressive. how big is the tank? bc green chromis r very peaceful.


Active Member
I've kept chromis and pseudo's in the same tank before with no problems... 3 chromis and a pseudo in a 30gal. I would be more careful with fellow rock-dwelling fish - the pseudo likes to hide inside the rock, and so did my sixline wrasse.... they ended up fighting like the dickens... they were beating each other up pretty good... and this was after about 2 months of peaceful coexistence
But the pseudo's have always had kind of a jerk-personality... the sixine isn't much better but at least he's a little fun to watch.
At the end of the day, they're all community fish... but in this hobby, even the word "community" is used loosely.


Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
I've kept chromis and pseudo's in the same tank before with no problems... 3 chromis and a pseudo in a 30gal. I would be more careful with fellow rock-dwelling fish - the pseudo likes to hide inside the rock, and so did my sixline wrasse.... they ended up fighting like the dickens... they were beating each other up pretty good... and this was after about 2 months of peaceful coexistence
But the pseudo's have always had kind of a jerk-personality... the sixine isn't much better but at least he's a little fun to watch.
At the end of the day, they're all community fish... but in this hobby, even the word "community" is used loosely.
thanks for the info, great info guys!