Question about hammer/frogspawn compatibility



I am thinking about going to my L.F.S. and getting a really nice hammer coral I seen yesterday. The thing is where I want to put this coral it may come into contact with my frogspawn. Now this is the question I have heard conflicting things about these two corals stinging one another, some say they want because they are so much alike and other say they will. Thoughts?
They are the same genome.
Euphyllia divisa
Euphyllia sp.


Active Member
they wont sting each other, they are both euphyllia, and are completly compatable. if you want proof I can move my hammer and frogspawn together and take a picture if you need it. though I'm sure if you look in the thousands of posts here you will see pictures of hammer and frogspawn together more than once.


Active Member
ok i was wrong but when i had mine right next to each other the 1 head of the hammer that was touching the frogspawn died


Active Member
I dont know why that one head died Seannmelly. though I am sure it wasnt because of the frogspawn.
but here is a picture, as you can see neither is recoiling wich would indicate it getting damaged.


Active Member
I'm glad the rest survived.
here is a picture of day 2 I thought they looked good close, I moved them apart just a little so the large frogspawn wasnt overshadowing the hammers but they can still touch, as you can see the tentacles are out puffy and not showing any damage. If you have ever seen one coral sting another you know the damage is almost instant and pretty severe. (like the time I dropped my frogspawn onto my fungia, it was bad.