Question about Hypo


Active Member
I'm going to be purchasing two false percs on Friday. I want to make sure I'm ready for QT and have a few questions.
According to Beth "During the procedure, pH must be closely monitored as pH tends to drop as water become less saline."
Does this mean that lowering the salinity throws off the alkalinity? Currently my cycled QT averages a pH of 8.0 using Oceanic salt at 1.026. In the event that I need to perform hypo what is the pH value that I need to be concerned about and what product should I use to raise my pH during hypo.


I have had several discussions with Beth and posted several times on this topic. I somewhat disagree with Beth's instructions and find them a little confusing. I would not simply "closely monitor" ph. It will drop and will need to be adjusted. Why wait until it drops? What is too much of a drop? How fast will it drop and how fast can you bring it back up? etc., etc., Having lost fish in hypo due to a pH drop, I would recommend buffering your replacement ro/di water and/or change water to, in your case, 8.0, to match your QT. I believe keeping pH stable ahead of time is a better practice than watching it drop and then trying to figure out what to do. I would change the instructions to say buffer your RO/DI water to match your QT (most common method for getting to hypo is replacing saltwater with straight RO/DI over a period of 48 hours) and try to minimize pH fluctuation. RO/DI has a pH of around 7.0 so the more you replace the lower the pH will go. My fish became distressed at 7.7 pH. Although 7.7 is not normally dangerous, going from 8.3 to 7.7 in less than 24 hours proved to be fatal in my case with fish already stressed from paraistes and transfer to QT. Many use Kent's SuperBuffer but there are several products to raise pH.

mr. limpid

Active Member
I personal use a ph meter (love it) I make sure my water I use to lower the salt level is at 8.3 (if not add buffer to RO water) and also any water changes during hypo is also at 8.3. Have used different types of test kits for ph the meter is quick and can be tested at different times of day. Good luck with your clown this is very hardy fish and should survive hypo quite well.


Active Member
Okay guys thanks for your input. I'd like to make it clear that I don't have any fish as of yet. I just want to be prepared should I need to hypo. My wife is itching for a fish but I'm having enough fun watching my shrimp and inverts but I don't want to have a hypo emergency. I have very little knowledge on this topic and fish only tanks for that matter.
How important are water parameters specifically alk and calcium in a qt during hypo? In other words, is alk a factor in your pH equation during hypo?