Question about Hypo


I just put my fish into hypo as my Powder Brown Tang decided to bring some critters to my tank with him. They all seem to be doing well as I lowered the water to 1.009 last night, and yes, I'm using a refractometer. My question is, how long does it usually take for the ich to die off and the signs to not be seen on the fish?

mr. limpid

Active Member
Go to the top of this form there is a great thread written by Beth. She explains the life cycle and how Hypo effects Ick.


I read the thread, am just curious how long it usually takes for ick to die off the fish after 1.009 is reached.


Staff member
Within 2-3 weeks for die off. Within a week you should stop seeing spots on fish.


There is no sign of ich today after roughly 2 weeks at 1.009 so the 4 week countdown has begun
Thanks for the info and help, more info to come.


or is hypo not 100% effective? My powder brown tang has ich again on his fins and body this morning when the lights came on!!
I monitor salinity daily at 1.009 with a refractometer and do regular water changes. The Nitrates have gotten high a time or two but I have done constant water changes to help with it.


Active Member
How are the critters doing at hypo levels. I agree with rolxism you should recalibrate your refractometer. How's he doing, still eating? Can you post a picture?


will get pics this weekend. I calibrated with distilled water at around 68 degrees per instructions and still no change. All fish are eating well two times daily and still begging for more.